Friday, October 26, 2007

What IS education... really?

This is a video that was on the "featured videos" section of youtube. I almost NEVER look at these. Something compelled me this time (at 6:30 in the morning!), and I'm glad it did. What is this saying about "higher" education in the United States?


Unknown said...

I, too posted this video on my blog!! It really makes you think about whether or not we are preparing students for the "real world" in schools today. I found it great that when they totaled up all of their hours in a day, it was actually 26! Being a student who took my undergrad at a State College, can remember sitting there in the HUGE lecture hall. Depending where you sat, you were lucky if you could even see the professor that alone the chalkboard! I remember thinking to myself, How is this conducive to learning? Now with laptops and cellphones, it is amazing that students get anything done. To

Bakes said...

I second annie

Genevieve said...

I think this video is terrifying. It sickens me to think about the sheer amount of waste that occurs in higher education; textbooks are expensive and often go unread (and they can't be resold for any kind of fair price), tuition expenses are astronomical, and a number of required courses are redundant and useless (I’m talking undergrad here, kids). Although a part of me is appalled at the way in which college students waste learning opportunities by shirking reading, emailing during class, and watching youtube videos rather than doing homework, I know I was guilty of much the same thing when I was an undergrad. Hell, who am I kidding? I’m guilty of some of those thing even now. You’re right, Angela, what does this say about education?