Monday, November 26, 2007


This blog is supposed to be about our favorite podcasts. This is a completely foreign concept to me. Until this past June, I was using a Gateway with Windows 98. It had a CD burner but refused to admit it. It threw a tantrum whenever it wanted, crashing without possibility of reboot until it was good and ready. Virus protection? Perhaps 3 years ago. The damn thing couldn't even run a scan in safe mode. Yikes. So, anyway - technology in my world has been limited. Even now, I have a Nano iPod (that what it's called?) sitting in a box. It came with my macbook but I haven't taken the plunge because I can't figure out how to get my 3000 stolen songs from Napster off of my desktop piece of crap.

Back to the reason for this post - podcasts. So, a couple of weeks ago, when I was looking at this assignment, I even looked up "podcast" on the web to get a view of the concept beyond the Richardson book. I knew it was something you listened to, but I wasn't totally clear on what could be defined as a podcast. Pretty much just like a vlog but without the visual. If I were going to listen to a podcast, I think it would probably be something from NPR/MPR, an environmental podcast, or something related to urban teaching.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

I've got a tip for your desktop piece of crap: take it to the MicroCenter on Hwy 100 and 36th in St. Louis Park. You should write that down on a post-it and stick it to your laptop.